
How To Flash Samsung B7510

 Firmware Update Process:                                                                                                                     
  1. Run Samsung B7510 Galaxy Pro Downloader.
  2. Make sure these options is checked: Auto Reboot - Protect OPS.
  3. Click OPS button and select: BENNETT_v1.0.ops
  4. Click BOOT button and select: APBOOT_B7510xxxxx_CL968357_REV00_user_low_true.tar.md5
  5. Click Phone button and select: MODEM_B7510xxxxx_REV00.tar.md5
  6. Click PDA button and select: CODE_B7510xxxxx_CL968357_REV00_user_low_true.tar.md5
  7. Click CSC button and Select: CSC_B7510Oxxxxx_CL951730_REV00_user_low_true.tar.md5
  8. Put the phone into Download Mode ( Press Q key + Power button ).
  9. Connect USB cable to phone and PC and make sure the program detect it.
  10. Click Start button to begin updating the phone.
  11. Do nothing till all is done and you can see PASS word on the program window.
  12. Do Full reset by this Code *2767*3855#.


Samsung Galaxy Pro B7510 - BENNETT_v1.0.ops link

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