
Samsung Grand Duos I9082 Unlock Solution

Step 1:
1. Odin Open
2. Download Mode (Volume Down + Home + Power Button)
3. Odin PDA Select "CWM-touch_i9082_chotu.tar" 
4. ClockworkMod Recovery File Installed

Step 2: (Rooting)

After doing step 1
1. Micro sd card Copy FIle In "UPDATE-SuperSU-v1.65" this is zip file.dont unzip
2. Insert Handset
3. Volume Up + Home + Power Button
4. Display In Clockworkmod recovery
5. Install Zip From Sdcard
6. Choose Zip Sdcard
6.  "UPDATE-SuperSU-v1.65" Zip
8. Yes- Install Uptate Super SU
9. Root Installed
10. power off

step 3 :

1. open Z3x
2 . handset on 
3. type in mobile *#0808# and select MTP + ADP 
4. connect to the z3x and click unlock.

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